About Us

About Us

English Lisu Study is an online language learning platform that provides comprehensive English language courses for learners of all levels. Our courses are designed to help learners develop their English language skills in a fun and interactive way. We offer a variety of courses, from beginner to advanced, to help learners reach their goals. Our experienced instructors provide personalised instruction and feedback to ensure that each student is able to reach their full potential. We also provide a range of resources, such as online forums and study materials, to help learners stay motivated and engaged. Our goal is to help learners become confident and proficient English speakers.

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There is a severe lack of support to the teachers at this school. They throw children your way at ANY point during the year and if you’ve taken the time to organize a routine for your classroom, you can forget about it. The school definitely has a good reputation but it is all about keeping your employees happy just as much as the parents and children involved at the school.

It's never too late to start your journey