Use of Don’t Sentences//Daily use English Spoken Sentences by Biyo Lisu.

      Negative Sentences.

  • Don’t depend upon others. =
  • ꓠꓱ ꓐꓯꓼ ꓢꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓪ ꓪꓴꓽ ꓘꓳ=
  • Don’t quarrel with others. =
  • ꓠꓱ ꓐꓯꓼ ꓢꓴ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓽ ꓐꓯ ꓡꓯꓽ ꓘꓳ=
  • Don’t pluck flowers. =
  • ꓢꓲ‐ꓪꓰ ꓕꓽ ꓘꓶ/ ꓢꓲ‐ꓪꓰ ꓕꓽ ꓞꓶ,=
  • Don’t disturb others. =
  • ꓠꓱ ꓐꓯꓼ ꓢꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓘꓶ ꓡꓶꓽ=(ꓕꓽ ꓡꓯ, ꓝꓯꓼ)
  • Don’t write anything on your books.
  • ꓠꓴ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓟ ꓕꓯꓽ ꓢꓲ ꓗꓪ ꓮ ꓫꓵ ꓡꓰ ꓕꓽ ꓐꓳ=
  • Don’t go out barefooted.=
  • ꓬꓲ ꓐꓽ ꓗꓪ ꓛꓲ‐ꓠꓲ ꓟꓽ Dꓱ, Dꓱꓼ ꓕꓽ ꓙꓰ=
  • Don’t sit idle. =
  • ꓮ ꓔꓳ ꓔꓳ ꓕꓽ ꓠꓬ, ꓠꓬꓻ=(ꓞꓳ ꓐꓴꓻ_ꓡꓰ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓽ ꓠꓬ ꓠꓬ,=)
  • Don’t steal others’ things. =
  • ꓠꓱ ꓐꓯꓼ ꓢꓴ ꓶ ꓤ, ꓕꓽ ꓘꓴ=
  • Don’t go outside. =
  • ꓬꓲ ꓐꓽ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓽ ꓙꓰ=
  • Don’t write here. =
  • ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓽ ꓐꓳ=
  • Don’t speak here. =
  • ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓽ ꓕꓱ=
  • Don’t do here. =
  • ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ  ꓕꓽ ꓬꓰ=
  • Don’t laugh at others. =
  • ꓠꓱ ꓐꓯꓼ ꓢꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓪ ꓢꓯꓻ=
  • Don’t come here.
  • ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓽ ꓡꓯ=
  • Don’t disturb me. =
  • ꓥꓪ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓘꓶ ꓡꓶꓽ ꓡꓯ=
  • Don’t disturb them. =
  • ꓬꓲ ꓪ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓘꓶ ꓡꓶꓽ=
  • Don’t disturb us. =
  • ꓥꓪ ꓠꓴꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓽ ꓘꓶ ꓡꓶꓽ=

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