Biyo Lisu||Basic English Speaking Sentence by Biyo Lisu|| Lisu to English.

In this post, you will get to know more sentences about the “Change and Spend” with sentences by Biyo Lisu. ꓟꓬ, ꓠꓬꓲ ꓢꓳ ꓠꓬ ꓟꓬꓽ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓢꓷ. ꓡˍꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓮ ꓘꓶ ꓢꓯꓼ ꓕꓵꓸꓼ ꓡꓯ=

I have to change my clothes.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓐꓴ ꓞꓲ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change something.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓕꓲ ꓫꓵꓽ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my name.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓟꓬꓱꓺ ꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my behavior.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓞꓳ ꓙꓳ ꓫꓷꓹ/ꓚꓱꓹ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my thoughts/mind.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓓꓵꓽ ꓙ ꓚꓱꓹ ꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my residence.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓔꓬꓹ ꓔꓶ/ꓖꓴ ꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my plan.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓔꓶ ꓙꓱꓽ ꓙ ꓔˍꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my company.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓚꓳ-ꓑ-ꓠꓲ ꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to change my work.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓟꓬꓱꓽ ꓟ ꓡꓶꓸ ꓠ ꓗꓹˍꓡꓳ꓿

I want to spend time with you.
ꓠꓴ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

Do you want to spend time with me?
ꓥꓪ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓠꓴ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡ?

I want to spend time with them.
ꓬꓲ ꓪ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

I want to spend time with my parents.
ꓥꓪ ꓮ ꓐꓹ ꓮ ꓟ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

I want to spend time.
ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

ꓲ want you to spend time with me.
ꓥꓪ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓠꓴ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳ ꓗꓹ ꓡ ꓟ ꓔꓯ ꓥꓪ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

I have to spend time.
ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓠ ꓗˍꓡꓳ꓿

I should spend time.
ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳꓸ ꓙꓲꓽ ꓙꓳˍꓡꓳ꓿

I will spend time.
ꓥꓪ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳ ꓓꓴ ꓥꓳ꓿

I want to spend time with you always.
ꓠꓴ ꓐꓰ ꓕꓲ ꓪꓸꓼ ꓥꓪ ꓮ ꓕꓯˍꓟꓲ ꓬꓲ ꓙꓵꓹ ꓗꓳ ꓠꓲꓹ ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ꓿

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