ꓬꓲ ꓢꓯꓼ ꓔꓯ ꓠ ꓠ, ꓢꓲ ꓢꓳ ꓣꓴ Dꓴ=
ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓗꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓣꓳ ꓐꓴ ꓠ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓡꓯ ꓘꓳˍꓟ ꓗꓪ ꓫ ꓕꓱ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓥˍꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓠ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓒꓳ, ꓖꓶꓽ ꓡ Dꓴ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓥˍ ꓟꓲ ꓐꓳ ꓔˍ ꓡꓳ= ꓖꓳ ꓡꓱ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓣꓳ ꓐꓴ ꓠ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓐꓰ ꓒꓳ, ꓖꓶꓽ ꓘꓶꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓢꓳ ꓣꓴ ꓡꓯ=
Q. How many days in a week?
ꓕꓲꓽ ꓫꓵꓽ ꓠꓽ ꓗꓪ ꓮ ꓟꓬ, ꓠꓬꓲ ꓙꓳˍꓡ?
Ans. 7 days in a week.
ꓕꓲꓽ ꓫꓵꓽ ꓠꓽ ꓗꓪ 7 ꓠꓬꓲ ꓙꓳˍꓡꓳ=
Q. What’s time now?
ꓕꓲ ꓑ ꓮ ꓠꓬ ꓙꓵ, ꓛꓲˍꓡ?
Ans. 7 o’clock.
7 ꓙꓵ, ꓛꓲˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Is it possible?
ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓒꓬꓱꓼ ꓡ ꓐ ꓡˍꓡ?
Ans. Absolutely possible
ꓒꓬꓱꓼ ꓡ ꓐ ꓡˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Is your brother here?
ꓠꓴ ꓠꓬꓲ ꓤ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓔꓬˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, he is here.
ꓔꓬ,ˍꓡꓳ꓾ ꓬꓲ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓔꓬ,ˍꓡꓳ=
Ans. No, he’s not here.
ꓟꓽ ꓔꓬ,꓾ ꓬꓲ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓟꓽ ꓔꓬ,=
Q. What do you think?
ꓠꓴ ꓮ ꓫꓵꓽ Dꓵꓽ ꓙˍꓡ?
Ans. I think it should be done.
ꓥꓪ Dꓵ ꓙˍꓠꓬ ꓖꓳ ꓟ ꓬꓰ Dꓳ ꓡꓰ ꓙꓲꓽ ꓙꓳˍꓡꓳ=
Q. When does the game begin?
ꓡꓳ ꓖꓪ Dꓴ ꓮ ꓕꓯꓽ ꓪꓴ. ꓔꓴˍꓡ?
Ans. It will start shortly.
ꓟꓽ ꓟꓶ ꓫꓵ ꓕꓯ ꓪꓴ. ꓔꓴ ꓡˍꓥꓳ=
Q. When will the game start?
ꓡꓳ ꓖꓪ Dꓴ ꓮ ꓕꓯꓽ ꓪꓴ. ꓔꓴˍꓡ?
Ans. It will start a little later.
ꓟꓽ ꓟꓶ ꓫꓵ ꓕꓯ ꓪꓴ. ꓔꓴ ꓡˍꓥꓳ=
Q. What are you speaking?
ꓠꓴ ꓮ ꓫꓵꓽ ꓫ ꓕꓱ ꓔꓬ,ˍꓡ?
Ans. I’m speaking about you.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓠꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓟꓳ. ꓫ ꓕꓱ ꓔꓬˍꓡꓳ=
Q. When do you want to meet?
ꓠꓴ ꓮ ꓕꓯ ꓜꓲ ꓡꓯ ꓘꓳ ꓠꓲ, ꓫꓵˍꓡ?
Ans. I would like to meet you at night.
ꓠꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓥꓪ ꓟꓶ ꓘꓶꓼ ꓗꓪ ꓜꓲ ꓠꓲ, ꓫꓵˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Is this your book?
ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓠꓴ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓥˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, this is my book.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓥꓪ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓥˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Are you alone here?
ꓠꓴ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓲ ꓣꓳ ꓔꓵꓸꓼ ꓔꓬ,ˍꓡ?
Ans. No, I stay with my parents.
ꓟꓽ ꓥ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓐ ꓐ, ꓟ ꓟ ꓐꓰ ꓔꓬˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Can you give me your book?
ꓠꓴ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓟ ꓥꓪ ꓔꓯ ꓖꓶꓽ ꓐ ꓡˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, I can give you my book.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓠꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓖꓶꓽ ꓐ ꓡˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Do you smoke?
ꓠꓴ ꓬꓯꓻ Dꓳˍꓡ?
Ans. No, I don’t.
ꓥꓪ ꓟꓽ Dꓳˍꓡꓳ=
Q. How are you?
ꓠꓴ ꓧꓪ. ꓧꓪꓸꓼ ꓥˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, I’m fine.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓧꓪ. ꓧꓪꓸꓼ ꓥꓳ=
Q. Is it raining now?
ꓕꓲ ꓑ ꓟꓶꓽ ꓦ ꓜꓯꓼ ꓔꓬˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, it is raining now.
ꓜꓯꓼ ꓔꓬˍꓡꓳ꓾ ꓕꓲ ꓑ ꓟꓶ ꓦ ꓜꓯꓼ ꓔꓬˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Where do you live?
ꓮ ꓡꓲ ꓗꓪ ꓔꓬ, ꓢꓴ ꓥˍꓡ?
Ans. I live in India.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓲ‐Dꓲ‐ꓬ ꓗꓴꓷꓼ ꓗꓪ ꓔꓬ, ꓢꓴ ꓥꓳ=
Q. How old are you?
ꓠꓴ ꓮ ꓟꓬ, ꓘꓳꓼ ꓡꓳꓼˍꓡ?
Ans. I’m 24 years old.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ 24 ꓘꓳꓼ ꓡꓳꓼˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Do you go to school?
ꓠꓴ ꓢꓳ ꓦꓲꓻ ꓗꓪ ꓙꓰˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, I do.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓙꓰˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Are you student?
ꓠꓴ ꓢꓳ ꓢꓴ ꓥˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, I’m a student.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓢꓳ ꓢꓴ ꓕꓲ ꓣꓳ ꓥˍꓡꓳ=
Q. When do you learn English?
ꓠꓴ ꓧꓪ ꓒꓴ ꓥꓳꓽ ꓮ ꓕꓯ ꓢꓳˍꓡ?
Ans. I learn English at evening.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓧꓪ ꓒꓴ ꓥꓳꓽ ꓟꓶ ꓘꓶꓼ ꓗꓪ ꓢꓳˍꓡꓳ=
Q. What have you done?
ꓠꓴ ꓮ ꓫꓵꓽ ꓬꓰ Dꓳ ꓡꓰ ꓪ?
Ans. I’ve done my job.
ꓥꓪ ꓠꓬ ꓥꓪ ꓟꓬꓱꓽ ꓔꓯ ꓬꓰ Dꓳ ꓡꓰꓳ=
Q. Does he give you a letter?
ꓠꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓬꓲ ꓡꓰ ꓕꓳ ꓶ ꓡꓯ ꓫꓴ ꓖꓶꓽ ꓡˍꓡ?
Ans. No, he doesn’t.
ꓬꓲ ꓟꓽ ꓖꓶꓽ ꓡˍꓡꓳ=
Q. Do you support me?
ꓥꓪ ꓔꓯ ꓠꓴ ꓬꓰ ꓙˍꓡ?
Ans. Yes, I do.
ꓥ ꓪ꓾ ꓥꓪ ꓬꓰˍꓡꓳ=
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