Lesson 4 | Subjective Pronouns | “Be” verbs, is, am, and are with Contractions| Basic English Grammar

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Lesson 4 | Subjective Pronouns | “Be” verbs, is, am, and are with Contractions| Basic English Grammar


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Subjective Pronouns | “Be” verbs, is, am, and are with Contractions| Basic English Grammar


I am – I’m

She is – She’s

He is – He’s

It is – It’s

You are – You’re

We are – We’re

They are – They’re



I’m a student. – I am a student.

He’s a student. – He is a student.

It’s a dog. – It is a dog.

You’re a student. – You are a student.

We’re students. – We are students.

They’re students. – They are students.

More Examples:

| I’m | 

•I’m a doctor.

•I’m a boy.

•I’m a girl.

| He’s |          

•He’s a man.

•He’s a boy.

•He’s a teacher.

| You’re |

You’re a good person.

You’re a singer. I’m a girl.

You’re a leader

| We’re |  

We’re sisters.

We’re brothers. 

We’re friends.  

| They’re | 

They’re people.

They’re teachers.

They’re students:

Subjective Pronouns “be” verbs am, is, are, and contractions in Negative.

•I’m not a student.

•He’s not a student.

•She’s not a student.

•It’s not a dog.

•You’re not a student.

•We’re not students.

•They’re not students.

| I’m not | 

I’m not a dancer.

I’m not a teacher.              

I’m not a driver.

| You’re not |   

You’re not a teacher.  

You’re not a singer.

You’re not a dancer.

| He’s not |  

He’s not a boy.

He’s not a man.            

He’s not a student. 

| She’s not |   

She’s not a girl.  

She’s not a woman

She’s not a woman.

She’s not a nurse.

| We’re not |    

We’re not students.

We’re not brothers.

We’re not sisters. 

| They’re not |    

They’re not doctors.

They’re not students.

They’re not teachers.

| It’s not |

It’s not a cat. 

It’s not a car. 

It’s not a chair.

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